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* Modular designed and pre-assembled in plant help facilitate installer and shorten installation time.
* Universal extension adaptors form a large circular diameter to fit most of the current market projectors mounting positions .
* +-30° broad range of pitch and 180° roll angles enable user to adjsut desired projection direction.
* Maximum load is 25 lbs (11.4 kg) cover most of the exisiting economical projectors.
* Integrated cabale management system .
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* Modular designed and pre-assembled in plant help facilitate installer and shorten installation time.
* Universal extension adaptors form a large circular diameter to fit most of the current market projectors mounting positions .
* +-30° broad range of pitch and 180° roll angles enable user to adjsut desired projection direction.
* Maximum load is 25 lbs (11.4 kg) cover most of the exisiting economical projectors.
* Integrated cabale management system .
■ Universal ceiling projector mount
■ Product height 5.3" (135mm).
■ Pitch angles +- 30° and roll angles up to 180°
■ Extension adaptors form a maximun 305mm circular diameter to fit projectors mounting positions.
■ Maximun capacity 25lbs (11.4kg)
■ Material : Product built with SPCC material
■ Surface treatment: Powder painting coating finished.
■ Color: White